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Coach Staley's Full Transcript: Monday Media Availability 


Take a look at top quotes from Chargers Head Coach Brandon Staley on Monday afternoon.

Head Coach Brandon Staley

On WR Keenan Allen's injury status:

"Keenan [Allen] is just working through his hamstring. He's making good progress, got a good report this morning. We're just going to take it day-to-day. I mean what I said last week, that it's a day-to-day hamstring, not an Injured Reserve hamstring. Trending positive."

On if Allen experienced a 'setback' with his hamstring injury:

"Not a setback. In terms of the period that you guys were all at practice, he just felt that tighten up on him. We didn't want to take one of those big steps backward, in terms of pushing it too fast. One of those frustrating, soft-tissue comebacks. It's in a spot that, I think, is different than what he had in the past. Just working through that. He made good progress over the weekend. He had a good session this morning. He's just day-to-day."

On the decision to go for it on fourth down in the fourth quarter yesterday and if he were to do it again, would he make the same decision:

"The thought process, on third down, was to have a run, RPO [run-pass option] type of play. Then, depending on what happened on that play, if it stayed the same, then we would throw it, targeting [WR] Mike [Williams]. We wanted to finish that game with our offense on the field. They had played a whale of a game. We liked our matchup on the outside. That's what I felt like was the best decision was for us at that time."

On Allen's Twitter posts near the end of yesterday's game:

"I was made aware of that after the game. The thing that I will say is that [WR] Keenan Allen is a captain for us, and he and I, since I've become the head coach, have become extremely close. There's no one that I have more respect for than Keenan Allen. What makes him special is his competitiveness and how much he cares about our team. We saw each other this morning, we met this morning. Anyone that has been a part of competition knows that when you're not a part of it, you can feel some type of way. Keenan's heart is with me; it's with us. To me, I have an understanding of where he was at in that moment because he's not with his team. They're in the fire. That's a money down that he is used to being out there for, which makes it a lot better for us. It's just part of sports. We're going to become closer because of it. We already became closer this morning because of it. We're going to keep it moving to Denver, try and get him well and get him out there playing for us."

On Browns RB Nick Chubb's long touchdown run at the beginning of yesterday's game:

"Two missed tackles at the point of attack by two unblocked players."

On DL Christian Covington's performance over the last two games:

"Christian [Covington] is just really solid for us. Last year, he was really one of our most versatile players. He really held the rope for us last year, playing in a lot of different positions. The people that were here know that. We were fortunate to bring him back in the offseason. He's just been solid for us. He really believes in how we play and does his job. He is a very dependable player. That was a big play for him. Really happy for him, that was a big, big momentum-builder for our team."

On S Alohi Gilman starting at safety yesterday and the competition for that spot between Gilman and S Nasir Adderley:

"I think that it's going to be week-to-week. We're going to let those guys continue to compete and try to put our best combination out there. I thought Lo [Gilman] did a good job in his first game. Just like anything, your first start out there, you have to get yourself in rhythm. He made a big play for us, the red-area takeaway. I thought he had some really good open-field tackles for us, getting some guys on the deck. The more you play, the more you're going to improve. I thought Nas [Adderley] did well in his role, too. Like I said, you're going to just let this competition play out and see where it goes."

On his evaluation of the defensive unit through the first five games:

"We're a work-in-progress. There's been, I think, some really good games for us. Against Las Vegas and Kansas City, I thought we were outstanding in those games. I felt like, in the Jacksonville game, we were outstanding for a half, and then faded because we were on the field a lot. We just didn't have enough in the second half. I thought, in the Texans game, for three quarters, we were outstanding. The third quarter was not good enough. Then, in the Cleveland game, it was just up-and-down. There were some good moments in there, but it was inconsistent, for sure. Not good enough, overall. We made some big plays yesterday, which was good, and we needed them in order to win. We showed some resilience, but I did not like the way that we started the football game. That was the first game that we've really started that way. When you start that way, you're fighting uphill to get yourself back, and we did that, to an extent. We're just a work-in-progress. We have a lot of pieces that I am very excited about. We just have to bring the group together. The more we play together, the better that we're going to get. I see a lot of potential for improvement. That's where we have to put our focus, moving forward, just bringing this group together and getting them playing team defense all the time.

On how the unit 'reaches its potential':

"We need to practice and we need to play together. Everyone taking ownership within their role because it's the beginning of the season and roles are still defining themselves. That's how we're going to get where we need to go, is by practicing playing together."

On the 'blueprint' for 'increased' development:

"I think that it's execution of your role. I think that when we execute our role within the defense, then it looks as good as anybody in pro football. I think that the consistency of that execution will bring us to a spot where we're not having these types of conversations."

On WR Joshua Palmer's injury status:

"Just banged up, a little bit sore with his ankle. I think that we're going to add a knee to the injury report. That was, I think, a component to what you say, but nothing that is going to prevent him from not being at practice. Just banged up."

On T Trey Pipkins III's injury status:

"An MCL sprain. We were fortunate to get good news on that. He made it out of the game OK. As you guys know, he showed a lot of toughness in that game. When I went out there, to the field, I didn't seem good. For him to go off, and then be able to come back on and play the way he did in that game, it just says so much about him. For you guys that have covered him for several years, just the progress that he's made as a competitor and just showing his stuff yesterday. Just an awesome performance by him. We're fortunate to get him out of that game. He's sore, but good news, overall."

On if Pipkins will have to 'miss time' due to the injury:

"That is not the indication that we have received."

On taking a timeout before the fourth-down stop as OLB Chris Rumph II 'was running off of the field':

"Chris Rumph [II] should not have been out there. Just getting the right 11 on the field. It was Chris Rumph that we were trying to get off of the field."

On if P JK Scott was evaluated for an injury yesterday and if he 'came out of the sideline injury tent':

"Not to my knowledge."

On G/T Jamaree Salyer's performance yesterday:

"Very solid, very strong. Zero sacks, zero turnovers, 465 [net offensive] yards. He was outstanding. Those two guys are really tough to block. [Browns DE] Jadeveon [Clowney] came to play yesterday. When he's on like that, he's a really tough guy to block. I think that Jamaree [Salyer] spent most of his time with [Browns DE] Myles [Garrett]. As you guys know, Myles is a perennial Defensive Player of the Year candidate, one of the top players in the game. It was a really strong performance by Jamaree. He is going to learn a lot from it. It was his first time playing against a guy of that caliber, that has that type of size, speed, power and play-making ability. It was a good barometer, I think, for him to see where he needs to go. I think that the way that we played around him yesterday, the way we called the game, really allowed Jamaree to get his feet in the grass and play well. Our entire line came to play yesterday. It was very much a team performance. It was probably [G] Matt Feiler's best game of the season. Those two guys playing together, building that chemistry, it's just time-on-task of working together, but pleased with the performance."

On if K Dustin Hopkins will be 'in a position to come back' this week:

"Day-to-day. I think that we will know more on Wednesday when we're out there on the practice field. He's going to work out today, obviously, tomorrow. We'll know more on Wednesday."

On K Taylor Bertolet's performance yesterday in his NFL debut:

"Taylor [Bertolet] was an example of what it took yesterday from our team. You join up with somebody on a Thursday, and I told you guys, he went like 12-for-12 in that practice, so it kind of had everybody's attention. I think I said that in the Friday press conference, or maybe it was in the production meeting, I don't know [laughter]. I said it to somebody, I was like, 'Hey, this would be a good story, if he has a good game, because he was 12-for-12 in his first practice.' He came in, he was steady, he was poised. Having that veteran deep snapper [LS Josh Harris], that poise, and then, the operation with [P] JK [Scott], I think that that is a big factor in it, just feeling comfortable and confident. A big story, to go perfect on your kicks. We needed all of those kicks, in order to get this job done. I was really proud of them, gave him a game ball. Definitely, definitely proud of him."

On 'consistency of message' surrounding fourth-down decision-making:

"I think that you have to treat each decision like it has a life of its own. I think that you have to be transparent with your process. You know that each of these games are different. Last week, there was not a lot asked or said about what happened in Houston. That didn't happen to be something that was asked or, sort of, reported about. At the beginning of the season, against Las Vegas and Kansas City, probably a little bit more because those were more national-type games. There were reasons in that game to do what we did. I think that that's what I've said since the beginning, since I've become the head coach, is that each of these games are different. They each have a different flow. There are different variables in play. At the same time, we're going to believe in what we do and how we do it. That's been my message to our team the whole time I've been here, and that's what I'm going to continue to do. I just think it's an easier way to live."

On the impact of confidence in both the offense and the defense when fourth-down decisions arise:

"Where we were at in the game, and the way our offense was playing — the way that our offense was playing in that game gave me full confidence in the matchup and the way our defense was defending the passing game, and their kicker. All of that good stuff, that factored into it. We trusted our offense to go make a play. That was the decision I made and I felt like it was the right one."

On TE Donald Parham Jr.'s performance yesterday:

"It was good to get him back out there. He didn't get any targets in that game. We had a couple of things up for him in the plan, but it just didn't go there, but it was good to get him out there. I thought, in the run game, he competed. Again, I think it was big for him just to get back out there, and it felt good to have him out there. I think that there were a couple of opportunities for him that just didn't work out, like I said, but he's going to work himself back into this rotation. What he allows us to do is to even out the jobs that the other guys are doing. I think that his touches and his role will continue to expand with more games."

On Parham's false start in the redzone and if he was attempting to connect with the defender to draw a defensive penalty:

"You saw it right, in terms of the sequencing with Myles [Garrett] jumping, and then the flinch. Normally, that tackle that's on Jamaree [Salyer], reaching out and touching him right away, if you get the reach out and touch right away, then it's an inducement, but he's on the opposite side. There wasn't that immediate response from our left side, so I think that was where that interpretation went."

On the offense gaining possession with 16 seconds remaining in the first half and the thought process behind kneeling, rather than 'pushing the ball to attempt to get into field goal range':

"Not with that amount of time left, no. We had gotten a stop. It was like, 'Hey, let's get out of here.' We got the ball to start the second half. Maybe, if there was a little bit more time, it could have been different. Just trying to get to the half."

On if 'Monday morning quarterback conversations' ever cause him to 'second-guess decision-making':

"I just think that there are 31 other coaches who are going through the exact same press conference I am right now. It doesn't matter which one of them is doing a Zoom right now,, there is going to be some decision that some majority are going to disagree with. You just have to have conviction in what you believe in, and also be transparent with your process, not feel defensive or insecure about it. I understand it in all ways. When you say, 'Does it affect you?' It doesn't affect me, from a decision-making standpoint, no. I also understand the scrutiny. I understand that there should be scrutiny on all of the decisions that we make. It's pro sports, and that's what is cool about sports. I just know that it's part of the job. You're ready to face it every Monday."

On the 'chemistry developing' between G Zion Johnson and T Trey Pipkins III on the right side of the offensive line:

"Time on task, I talk about that. On the O-line, you just know that that is your lifeline, the guy that is playing next to you. There are little things that these guys really have to know about one another; how they fit in a combination, how they're going to pass-protect based on a different look. Those two guys, and how they play together, it means everything to the play. If they're on two separate pages, then you're going to get an inconsistency of the result. I think the more that they play together, the more that those little things can start to express themselves within the game. I think that it goes for the same thing with Zion [Johnson] and [C] Corey [Linsley], those two guys playing together. The more that you play together, the better that you're going to be. If you can keep continuity — practice together, play together — the more that you practice and play together, the better that the results are going to happen, if you're good enough. Those two guys are definitely good enough. You're seeing them play good football. They can still improve so much more."

On yesterday's win occurring in his hometown of Cleveland, Ohio, and the second-straight road victory:

"It was special to me because of the guys in the locker room. I had a lot of family at the game, but that win is about our football team; that's about the Chargers, that's about the Powder Blues. We had a lot of powder blues in that stadium, if you guys were there. That's what made me feel even extra special, that we have a fan base that will travel to Cleveland, Ohio, for a game at the beginning of October. I just know that when you go on the road in the NFL, especially in that environment, the Dawg Pound, against a really good football team, that it's hard to win, especially when you get down 14 to nothing. You have a backup kicker. There were a whole bunch of things going on in that movie. We had to figure it out, as a team, and that's exactly what we did. To come back and to win that game the way that we did, I felt like it was a team win in every sense. As you mentioned, to be 3-2 and not 2-3, you can't minimize that because if you take a look at the NFL and where it is right now, you guys are all seeing it, every week is tough and every week it's a different matchup. These wins are so tough to come by, and so when you get them, you cherish them. Then you have to keep it moving and you have to make the improvements. That's what we're doing. Just because we won, we're not like, 'Wow, we feel so good, we feel so happy.' There are 60 minutes worth of tape that we need to correct, and that's what we've been doing this morning."

On a continuation of winning in his hometown and the Browns incorporating the NFL's Crucial Catch initiative into their game presentation:

"There was that element to the game that made it special. There was one of my former players at John Carroll, Adam Gray. His sister was at the game yesterday, she went through Hodgkin's lymphoma, the same thing that I had, essentially. She's a young woman, and for her to be at the game yesterday, as a cancer survivor and brother of a player that I coached at John Carroll, there were a lot of people there that meant a lot to me yesterday. The fact that that was the game, I felt like it was fitting because that's a big topic for my family, a big reason why I am here. To be able to see my Dad, my brothers, my friends and family, and then, a lot of my former players who are now married with kids, it was really special because you know that you wouldn't be here without them. To be able to have that first 'go back home' moment, I'm really glad that we were able to get that W."

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