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A Conversation With: Nasir Adderley
"I want to be a leading communicator in our secondary. I want to just make sure I'm doing my job at a high level and making sure I'm giving everything I can to this team."
By Cory Kennedy Jul 12, 2022

In 2021, Chargers safety Nasir Adderley registered a career-high 99 combined tackles starting alongside fellow safety Derwin James for 15 games.

Heading into 2022, Adderley looks to take on an even bigger role.

On the last day of the Chargers' minicamp, head coach Brandon Staley talked about players that stood out to him during the offseason program.

One of those was Adderley.

"I think Nas really showed up," Staley said. "He was our most productive guy in the spring in the secondary. I think that [Adderley and wide receiver Jalen Guyton], for sure, kind of stood out to me and have prepared well. They're in great shape, physically and mentally. They've been sharp. I thought that they both had quality springs."

As No. 24 prepares for his fourth season in the NFL, I had the chance to catch up with him before the team headed out for summer break. Adderley talked about his growing confidence in the defensive scheme, playing an NFL game in his hometown last season, his connection with the new additions added on defense, and much more.

First off, how has your offseason been so far?

It's been good, it's been real smooth. It's year two in the system, so things are coming relatively easy to me now and I really can dive in just on my technique and what the offense is trying to do and different looks that we're giving them. So it's been real smooth. I'm just trying to soak in all that information and continue learning.

Watching practice during the weekly media availability, you can really see the energy and team chemistry on the field. How would you describe the energy out here early in the offseason?

I think a lot of guys are excited. We know we have a special group around us, but we also have a room full of competitors. We have a lot of competitors that are working hard to perfect their craft and pushing one another because we know that's the only way we are going to reach our goals; pushing one another. It's a real good environment out here on the practice field and we're getting better every day.

Lots of additions on defense this offseason; Khalil Mack and J.C. Jackson, to name a couple. What was your initial reaction when you heard Khalil's coming to the Chargers, J.C.'s coming to the Chargers?

Oh, I mean it was crazy. I had to refresh my phone because I was just like, 'Hold on! [laughter]' Those were very exciting moves that we made. Two great players, great leaders. We're definitely fortunate to have both of those guys.

What did it mean have players like Khalil and J.C. at voluntary practices? And with Joey Bosa at practice as well, what does it mean to have those veteran guys and starters like yourself to be out here together?

They're just great leaders, especially to the young guys. They get to play role model and show what's expected of them and how we are going to reach our goals by having everybody here and competing with one another. Like I said, just having that great environment where we are competitive and having fun. That's what you want when you come out here on the field.

"It's year two in the system, so things are coming relatively easy to me now and I really can dive in just on my technique and what the offense is trying to do and different looks that we’re giving them. So it’s been real smooth."

What does it say about the organization to add Pro Bowl and All-Pro talent to the roster?

It's just showing you that they want it just as bad as we want it. You know, we're working in the weight room and we're working out here on the field. You really appreciate that from a coach and from an organization, them showing that they're putting the work in as well. I mean our coaching staff and everyone in the building, they provide all the resources and everything we need to go out there and succeed.

One of those additions was Troy Reeder, a fellow Blue Hen at Delaware. What is it like having a college teammate joining you in the pros?

It's a dream come true. It still gets me sometimes just seeing him in the weight room next to me. It's a really special feeling having my brother here with me; great player and great leader. I know the Chargers organization is going to love him just like all of Delaware loved him.

Any fun memories or stories going back to your Delaware days with Troy?

Really just me and him, I mean we really are extremely hard workers and we really helped bring the program back to where it was supposed to be. It was really cool being able to make the playoffs at Delaware, it was like an eight-year drought. I mean that was definitely a memory, seeing that we made the playoffs and all that it was definitely really special.

How beneficial is it to have a guy like Troy, who's familiar with head coach Brandon Staley's scheme, but also knows your style of play as a safety as well?

I mean it's awesome just being able to play with him again. Being able to communicate on the field and then I'm still picking his brain. Some of the things they did with [the Rams'] system and how it's maybe different [than here] and we're just working together so we can both have great years.

Adderley (No. 23) on Reeder (No. 9):

“It’s a dream come true. It still gets me sometimes just seeing him in the weight room next to me. It’s a really special feeling having my brother here with me; great player and great leader. I know the Chargers organization is going to love him just like all of Delaware loved him.”

Going back to Delaware, you had some impressive acrobatic interceptions. I saw you working out there with the JUGS machine too. Are you excited to bring that back next season?

I was dealing with a finger injury. So, I was struggling just being consistent catching the ball. That was my strong suit, that's what got me here, my ability to go get the ball and stuff like that. So I am really excited because my finger is feeling a lot better, much improved from what it was before. I'm looking to come down with a lot of interceptions this year.

Do you feel like the healed finger will be able to totally change your pass catching abilities?

100-percent, because I can actually put my hands out in front of me now and actually catch it without having my finger get in the way. So, it's definitely something I'm excited about.

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Looking at the secondary and all the players added there this offseason, how important is it to have a deep secondary when you go later on into the season in hopes of a playoff berth?

We [saw] it firsthand last year. Unfortunately, we had a bunch of injuries. We weren't really able to have all the guys together. I mean, I think it was like towards the last week of the season they said we only played like a combined 70 or 80 snaps together as a starting unit. So, we're definitely looking to make sure we're all staying healthy, holding each other accountable, making sure we're taking care of our body just so we can all be available. But I mean, injuries happen in this profession and everything like that. We're confident in the guys even behind us. We're all working together. Like I said, it's a great competitive environment, everyone's pushing one another. So I mean, we should have a really great run, but we keep that DNA.

How's that going to help your game going into this upcoming season? Talking with Staley, will you be able to move around more in the scheme?

Even going back to like what you said about the injuries and stuff, it's important that you have guys that are versatile. I always really value that, even going back in my college days. I mean, that's what really allowed me to get here - being able to play many different positions and just add to my value. But I'm also adding value to the team being able to do different things if someone goes down. That's something that's strong in our position room, making sure everyone's cross training, everyone's learning, so if we do have an injury, someone can plug right in.

One of those guys added in the draft was safety JT Woods. Does that bring you back to your early days a little bit and when you got drafted? Do you try to maybe bring him under your wing?

It's a once in a lifetime accomplishment. I know it's a very special feeling. When I got drafted, when I first got here, [I was] just trying to make sure I'm understanding the scheme, understanding how to be a pro and stuff like that. That's my job now, being able to help facilitate him. We're gonna need them, you know what I mean? So I want to make sure that he's comfortable. I mean, he can really express himself as a player. [When you first come in,] you're not expressing yourself as a player, you don't know what you're doing. So I'm taking advantage of me being in year two in the system and just share as much knowledge as I can with him.

During his college days, JT earned the nickname the 'Heartbreak Kid'. I don't know if you've heard that but have you seen flashes of that throughout OTAs?

Oh no, I [haven't] heard that yet. Now I'm about to talk to him about that! [laughter] He's very rangy, [a] really good athlete. You see the flashes now and it's only gonna get better as you continue to learn the system and [stop] thinking out there. But he's definitely showing those flashes, definitely flying around, running sideline to sideline. Definitely really encouraging.

Adderley on Woods:

"When I got drafted, when I first got here, [I was] just trying to make sure I'm understanding the scheme, understanding how to be a pro and stuff like that. That's my job now, being able to help facilitate him."

I don't think we got a chance to talk to you about it, but going back to Philadelphia, and not only getting the win at 'The Linc' there, but being able to play in your hometown, what did that mean to you?

Growing up, just me always going to games at the stadium I went out there for pregame warmups and I just sat out there on field, taking it all in. It was definitely a special moment for me especially having all my family there and where my family actually was sitting. I had a big hit on kickoff and they were actually sitting right there. So I was able to embrace them and be right there. I mean, it was definitely a moment that my family will cherish forever.

The Los Angeles Chargers play the Philadelphia Eagles on Sunday, November 7, 2021 at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, PA.

You're trying to stay dialed in, but also realize you're on your hometown team's field and you're kind of looking around. Was it hard to kind of manage both staying focused and also taking in the moment?

The crowd doesn't really affect me. I mean, once I'm on the field, I'm locked in. But in Philly, there was one [moment] like after the hit on kickoff, I did start embracing my family and then realized, I gotta go back on the field! [laughter] But other than that, I mean, it didn't really bother me. I just want to make sure I was doing my job, helping our team win.

The Los Angeles Chargers play the Philadelphia Eagles on Sunday, November 7, 2021 at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, PA.

Last year, Staley and Derwin James talked about the confidence that you that you were playing with. It seemed like each week, you were building that confidence. What allowed you to gain that with Staley's scheme?

For me, anybody that's been close to me, they know the confidence has always been there. I've always been just a confident, individual player. The more I understand the scheme, the more I know where my help is, the more I'm not thinking out there because that's really what I want to make sure I'm doing; just make sure I'm not thinking out there and able to communicate well, and then just play fast. Really express myself, because you're not going be able to express yourself and see your full potential if you're out there not really knowing what you're doing, you know?

How has your relationship grown over the last year with Staley as he goes into year two and you guys continue to build that connection?

It's been really cool because I'm just learning so much ball. We have a very intelligent coaching staff and they all work with [defensive backs] and stuff like that. So, I'm really just soaking in all the knowledge. Every day he gives us pointers and tips regarding why we do things a certain way and why we don't do things a certain way. This is where the weakness in this coverage is. I mean, little stuff like that helps my game and allows me to play really fast.

"I've always been just a confident, individual player. The more I understand the scheme, the more I know where my help is, the more I'm not thinking out there because that's really what I want to make sure I'm doing; just make sure I'm not thinking out there and able to communicate well, and then just play fast."

When you look at this defense out on the field, how good do you feel it can be?

You feel it in the walkthrough, you even look around and see we've got some guys. I think it's really unique that we know that this isn't going to be a walk in the park. We know that we're going to have to put the work in and we're going to have to work hard every day. I mean because it's the NFL, talent isn't going to get you there. Talent and the work ethic combined [is] what's going to make this thing go.

And so when you look to 2022, what type of goals are you looking to set for yourself and what are you trying to work on now to set those goals for the next year?

I just want to be available. I want to be a leading communicator in our secondary. I want to just make sure I'm doing my job at a high level and making sure I'm giving everything I can to this team.

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